your guide to a

successful career





Are you a software engineer feeling stuck ​at your current level, wondering what it ​takes to get promoted or just finally be ​recognized as a valued team member? ​You’re not alone.

I’m here to help you unlock that next level in your career. ​Whether your goal is to climb the ranks, showcase your true ​value, or simply be seen as an essential member of the team, I’ve ​got the insights and tools you need to get there.

Through free content like YouTube videos and blog posts, I’ll ​share what I’ve learned. But for those who want personalized ​guidance, I offer group coaching and one-on-one mentoring ​tailored specifically to help you stand out, get noticed, and ​become the engineer every company wants on their team.

Let’s elevate your career together—starting today.

20+ years experience

Principal engineer

Web, mobile, & ​backend


Hi! I am Philip

Years ago, I began doing web development at several ​companies. My journey took a significant turn in 2005 ​when I joined a Fortune 100 company. Back then, I was ​an enthusiastic but inexperienced web developer. ​How I landed that job still baffles me. But what ​surprised me more was being promoted to lead a team ​of developers, with far more experience than I, after ​only a few months.

Why did this happen? It wasn’t my coding skills. ​Reflecting back, I realize it was my critical thinking, ​leadership, and adaptability – my soft skills – that set ​me apart.

Fast forward to today, I’m now a principal software ​engineer at the same company and a loving dad. I've ​led numerous projects, working on both the front and ​backend, and mentored many talented engineers ​along the way. And I have had the privilege to be a ​“work dad” to many of them.

Over the years, my coworkers have often asked me ​how they can level up their own career. While ​technical skills are essential, what really sets them ​apart is their soft skills. Teaching these skills isn't ​easy, especially while juggling everyday job ​responsibilities. And I wanted to make a broader ​impact and help, not just my colleagues, but all ​software engineers looking to advance their careers.

That’s why I have become a guide – dedicating time to ​developing and enhancing the soft skills of fellow ​software engineers. So, whether you're just starting ​out or looking to take your career to the next level, join ​me. Let’s embark on this journey together and become ​the best versions of ourselves.

Want to discuss ​mentoring?

Please book a time ​for us to talk via ​Zoom.

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